Yume Nikki Wiki

O-Man is a standard NPC that can be found in the Mall's Flute Room.


O-Man's head resembles a purple "O" or "θ" (theta) symbol with a single red eye in the center, with two pink legs and light purple shoes. He produces a blue quarter note and a pink eighth note from his head as he makes music. He is visually similar to E-Man in the reception room one room over.


O-Man is found sitting on a sofa in a room with a strange poster on the wall. There is also a flute lying on the floor in the same room which gives the Flute effect upon being interacted with. He simply sits on his sofa and produces music, which stands out from the other music tracks associated with the Mall.

When Madotsuki uses the Cat effect, he will appear to be angry or uncomfortable, bobbing his head and changing his expression while the effect is used. The player can also stop his music by using the Stoplight effect, which will make the room silent. Madotsuki can kill him by using the Knife effect, thus allowing her to sit on his sofa, though this also stops the room's music entirely.



A parallax background bearing the likeness of the two characters.

  • The parallax background in the Graffiti World somewhat resembles O-Man and E-Man, indicating a recurring appearance of the characters. It should also be noted that Graffiti World and the Mall are connected to each other through the top floor's elevator.


Some have interpreted O-Man to represent a doctor or therapist of some kind. O-Man is located in the Mall, though said location bears some resemblance to a hospital, as several posters resembling body parts, a reception desk, and a sneezing E-Man can all be found here. Going past the reception desk leads to O-Man. It is also reasonable to assume that Madotsuki would see a therapist or doctor considering various unnerving or harmful themes seen throughout her dreams, such as violence or traffic accidents, which have lead to a multitude of other theories.

O-Man's production of music and close proximity to the Flute effect may also tie into music therapy and the doctor/therapist connection detailed above. The Flute being located in the same room may also be interpreted as the flute being given to Madotsuki by O-Man himself in order to play alongside him. In YUMENIKKI –DREAM DIARY–, O-Man is also given a more humanoid appearance (while wearing a coat closely resembling that of a doctor's) in which they physically give Madotsuki the Flute effect by handing it to her. Another peaceful NPC that may tie into the theme of music therapy is Seccom Masada-sensei, who owns an organ that Madotsuki can play.

